Svevo and World Literature

LIT 376S

Italo Svevo wrote some of the most important modern Italian novels, like 'Zenos Conscience,' and was promoted by James Joyce. This class examines Svevo in his various contexts, including Italian, Austrian, German, Jewish, Triestine, European, and Modernist, to understand the strengths and weaknesses of classifications according to language, religious or cultural background, nation, education, and literary movement. By reading Svevo in the company of authors, such as Pirandello, Proust, Woolf, Kafka, and Shakespeare, as well as thinkers like Freud and Darwin, students will explore Svevos work in detail, while also investigating ideas of influence, literary connections, and world literature.
Curriculum Codes
  • CCI
  • ALP
Cross-Listed As
  • GERMAN 378S
  • ITALIAN 378S
  • ROMST 378S
Typically Offered