- Corinne Blalock, The Privatization of Protection: The Neoliberal Fourteenth Amendment
- Bennett Dempsey Carpenter, Lumpen: Vagrancies of a Concept from Marx to Fannon (and on)
- Chase Paulina Gregory, Reading and Writing As/if: US Literary Criticism and Identity
- Nicholas Alan Huber, Feedback Exhaust: Money and the Novel at the End of the Contemporary
- Jessica Estlund Issacharoff, Big House: Women, Prison and the Domestic
- Laura Jaramillo, Devorational Cinema: Spectacle, Ritual, and the Senses in Cold War Latin American and Spanish Experimental Film
- Michael Gabryel Swacha, Modernist Form: On the Problem of Fragmentation
- Jui-An Chou, Between Boys: Writing Across Gender and Sexuality in Mid-Twentieth Century Women's Writings
- Rachel E. Greenspan, Dreaming Woman: Argentine Modernity and the Psychoanalytic Diaspora
- Carolyn C. Laubender, Child's Play: Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Clinic
- David Nathan Rambo, Technics Before Time: Experiencing Rationalism and the Techno-Aesthetics of Speculation
- John Paul Stadler, Pornographesis: Sex, Media, and Gay Culture
- Serhat Uyurkulak, The Modernist Will to Totality: Dream Aesthetics and National Allegory
- Ryan T. Vu, Toward a Prehistory of the Fantastic: The Imagination of Alterity in the Long Eighteenth Century
- Karim Wissa, Sketches Toward an Ideology of Musical Forms: A Study in Jazz
- Abhishek Bose-Kolanu, Hypervisor Theory: An Anti-Theory of the Media
- Amalle Dublon, Partial Figures: Sound in Queer and Feminist Thought
- Amanda Gould, Digital Environmental Metabolisms: An Eco-Critical Project of the Digital Environmental Humanities
- Lisa Klarr, Useless: The Aesthetics of Obsolescence in Twentieth Century U.S. Culture
- Virginia Tuma, The Cuban Diaspora and the Question of Nostalgia
- Kristina Burnside-Oxendine, Police is Dead: The Birth of Econonism
- Katherine Costello, Inventing “French Feminism:” A Critical History
- Sophie Smith, The Hole in the Fence: Policing, Peril, and Possibility in the US-Mexico Border Zone, 1994-Present
- Jessica Jones, Feeling America Otherwise: Ground as an Earth that Quakes
- Melody Jue, Wild Blue Media: Thinking Through Seawater
- Leah Allen, Facts and Fictions: Feminist Literary Criticism and Cultural Critique, 1968-2012
- Zachary Blas, Informatic Opacity: Biometric Facial Recognition and the Aesthetics and Politics of Defacement
- Abigail Langston, Beyond Measure: Whiteness in the Twenty-First Century
- Clarissa Ai Ling Lee, Speculative Physics: The Ontology of Theory and Experiment in High Energy Particle Physics and Science Fiction
- China Medel, Border Images and Imaginaries: Spectral Aesthetics and Visual Medias of Americanity at the U.S.-Mexico Border
- Elisabeth Bell, What You Don’t Know, Learn!: Movements for Autonomous Education in the US, Past, Present and Future
- Rizvana Braxton, Corporeal Resurfacings: Faustin Linyekula, Nick Cave and Thornton Dial
- Selin Ever, The Modernist Bildungsroman: End of Forms Most Beautiful
- Abraham Geil, Plastic Recognition: The Politics and Aesthetics of Facial Representation from Silent Cinema to Cognitive Neuroscience
- KaMan Calvin Hui, The People’s Republic of Capitalism: The Making of the New Middle Class in Post-Socialist China, 1978- Present
- Allen Riddell, Demography of Literary Form: Probabilistic Models for Literary History
- Sara Appel, Football Wishes and Fashion Fair Dreams: Class and the Problem of Upward Mobility in Contemporary U.S. Literature and Culture
- Gerry Canavan, Theories of Everything: Science Fiction, Totality, and Empire in the Twentieth Century
- Beatriz Llenin-Figueroa, Imagined Islands: A Caribbean Tidalectics
- Justin Izzo, Citizens of a Genre: Forms, Fields, and Practices of French and Francophone Ethnographic Fiction
- Luka Arsenjuk, Political Cinema: The Historicity of an Encounter
- Bulent Eken, Stevens after Deleuze: The Effects of a New Ontology on the Problems of Poetics
- Hongsheng Jiang, The Paris Commune in Shanghai: The Masses, the State, and Dynamics of “Continuous Revolution”
- Michelle Koerner, The Uses of Literature: Gilles Deleuze’s American Rhizome
- Kinohi Nishikawa, Reading the Street: Iceberg Slim, Donald Goines, and the Rise of Black Pulp Fiction
- Jennifer Rhee, Anthropomorphic Attachments in U.S. Literature, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence
- Warren Shilyh, Real Politics and Feminist Documentaries: Re-Visioning Seventies Film Feminisms
- Corina Stan, The Art of Distances, or, A Morality for the Everyday
- Nicholas Baumbach, Impure Cinema: Political Pedagogies in Film and Theory
- Alexander Ruch, Fictions of the Afterlife: Temporality and Belief in Late Modernism
- Russell Leo, Affect before Spinoza: Reformed Faith, Affectus, and Experience in Jean Calvin, John Donne, John Milton and Baruch Spinoza
- Alvaro Reyes, Can't Go Home Again: Sovereign Entanglements and the Black Radical Tradition in the Twentieth Century
- Courtney Baker, Misrecognized: Looking at Images of Black Suffering and Death
- Heather Pilatic, Genealogies of Attention: The Emergence of U.S. Hegemony, 1870−1929
- Erin Post, Carceral Theaters: Genet, Beckett, & Weiss between Dramatic and Postdramatic Theater
- Teresa Shewry, Possible Ecologies: Re-Imagining Literature, Nature, and Hope in the Pacific
- Kristin Bergen, Gertrude Stein War Time Art
- Magdalena Ostas, Romanticism and the Forms of Interiority
- Rachel Price, Future Measures in Atlantic Literatures (1868−1968)
- Juan Carlos Rodriguez, The Post-Dictatorial Documentaries of Patricio Guzmán: Chile, Obstinate Memory; The Pinochet Case & Island of Robinson Crusoe
- Abigail Salerno, The Blind Heroine in Cinema History: Film and the Not-Visual
- Arnal Dayaratna, Reading India’s Partition through Literature
- Mike Ennis, Historicizing Nahua Utopias
- Erica Edwards, Contesting Charisma: Political Leadership in Contemporary African American Culture
- Nayeli Garci-Crespo, Becoming Digital: Ghosts of "Old Media"
- Jini Watson, The New Asian City: Literature and Urban Form in Postcolonial Asia-Pacific
- Matthew Wilkins, Points and Lines: Allegory, Event, and the End of American Modernism
- Jack Draper, Redemptive Regionalism in the Brazilian Northeast: Forro and the Flows of Popular Culture in a Global Economy
- Li-Li Hsieh, The Politics of Affect: Anger, Melancholy, and Transnational Feminism in Virginia Woolf and Eileen Chang
- Julie Kim, Consumer Anthropology: New World Foods and Identities in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Empire
- Mendi Obadike, Low Fidelity: Stereotyped Blackness in the Field of Sound
- Pavla Vesela, Utopias from the First and Second Worlds
- Amy Carroll, The Allegorical Performative: Mexican and United States Transnational Tactics for Representing and Reinventing the “New World Border”
- Aisha Karim, Text without a People: Globalization and the Third World Novel
- Desiree Martin, Bordered Saints: Unorthodox Sanctity along the Border in Mexican and Chicano/a Literature
- David Woodard, Queer Forms of Belonging: The Displacement of Kinship in Twentieth Century African American Literature and Film
- Kristen Barnes, Contemporary Cinematic Constructions of French and Francophone African Immigrant Identities, 1950−Present
- Jon Beasley-Murray, Posthegemony: Cultural Theory and Latin America October 10th, 1942−April 13th, 2002
- Jessica Blaustein, Alternative Technologies of Domestic Enclosure in the Early Twentieth Century United States
- Fabio Durao, Modernism and Coherence: Four Chapters of a Negative Aesthetics
- Elizabeth LaMacchia, Women, Abortion, Democracy: Defending Abortion Rights as Constitutionally Protected Political Rights
- Yiman Wang, Moving the Image between Shanghai, Hong Kong and Hollywood from the 1920s to 1990s: Reformulating Film Remaking and National Cinema
- Min Wu, The Kingdom of Darkness: China in the Rise of the American Empire, 1784−1844
- Jason Middleton, Documentary/Genre
- Danapalan Pillay, Re-Reading Apartheid: Governmentality, Identity, Ethics
- Ilka Saal, Epic Pleasures: Political Theater Reconsidered
- Megan Sweeney, Doing Time, Reading Crime: Rethinking “The Female Criminal”
- Teresa Chung, A Suspicion of Performance: Discourses of Theatricality and Authenticity in Constructions of the Bourgeois Subject
- David Freeman, The Gospel According to Bigger Thomas
- Amy Frykholm, Reading the Rapture: Christian Fiction and the Social Structures of Belief
- Alexander Galloway, Protocol, or, How Control Exists After Decentralization
- Alejandro Manara, From Close(t) Spaces to the Performance of Hybridity
- Norbert Schurer, Lennox and Smollett in the Literary Marketplace: Authorship and Readership after Fielding and Richardson
- Christian Thorne, The Closet of Epistemology: Towards a History of Scepticism
- Roger Beebe, Still Too Human: The Limits and Limitations of the Posthuman in Contemporary Visual Culture
- Susan Brook, Writing Culture: British Literature and Cultural Theory in the Fifties
- Ulrik Ekman, Dots: Between Philosophy and Literature in Derrida
- Natania Meeker, The Order of Enlightenment: Epicureanism, Desire, and the Critical Imperative in Eighteenth-Century France
- James Penney, The World of Perversion: Psychoanalysis and the Impossible Absolute of Desire
- Vivasvan Soni, Affecting Happiness: The Emergence of the Modern Political Subject in the Eighteenth Century
- Christina Tourino, Sex and Reproduction in Contemporary Ethnic Literature
- Nicholas Brown, Narratives of Utopia Inchoate: African Fiction and British Modernism
- Jennifer Doyle, Sex, Money, and the Aesthetic Ideology of Realism
- Ted Friedman, Electric Dreams: Computer Culture and the Utopian Sphere
- Gregory Hampton, Changing Bodies: Some Matters of the Body in the Fiction of Octavia E. Butler
- Svetlana Mintcheva, Visceral Art: Traumatic Enactments in Karen Finley, Kathy Acker and David Wojnarowicz
- John Murnighan, Beatrice’s Smile: Allegory and Mimesis
- Lily Phillips, Patrolling the Borders: Citizenship, Nation and Social Protest Literature in the 1950s United States
- Gillian Silverman, Public Sentiments: Fantasies of Community in Antebellum America
- Lucia Suarez, Caribbean Women Claiming their Islands
- Alden Bumstead, Place Matters: Place and Globalization in Recent United States Fiction
- Christopher Harlos, The Jazz Life-Text: Autobiography and Biography in Jazz Art
- Maude Hines, Making Americans: National Fairytales and Fantasies of the Transformation, 1865–1900
- Zilkia Janer, Colonial Nationalism: The Nation-Building Literary Field and Subaltern Intellectuals in Puerto Rico, 1849–1952
- Matthew Lazen, The Desert and the Promised Land: Postmodern French Regionalism, 1960–1992
- Jennifer Parchesky, Melodramas of Everyday Life: 1920s Popular Fictions and the Making of Middle America
- Imre Szeman, On National Cultures: Literary Politics in Canada, the Caribbean and Nigeria, 1952–1970
- Johannes von Moltke, Beyond Authenticity: Experience, Identity, and Performance in the New German Cinema
- Sara Danius, The Senses of Modernism: Technology, Perception and Modernist Aesthetics
- Marcus Embry, The Shadow of Latinidad
- Christopher Harlos, American Literary Nationalism and the Modernist Turn
- Daniel Itzkovitz, American Modernism, Race and the Rhetoric of “Jewish Difference,” 1880–1940
- Stefan Jonsson, Subject without Nation: Robert Musil and the History of Modern Identity
- Joseph Karaganis, American Literary Nationalism and the Modernist Turn
- Eleanor Kaufman, The Delirium of Exegesis: Bataille, Blanchot, Deleuze, Foucault, Klossowski
- Erin Smith, Hard-Boiled Readers: Workers, Consumer Culture and Pulp Magazines, 1923–1951
- John Cunningham, The American Encyclopedia: The Book of the World in the New World
- Jonathan Flatley, Modernism and Melancholia: Affect and Aesthetics in the Imagining of Alternative Modernities
- Rosanne Kennedy, Scenes of Witnessing: Form, Memory and Gender in Testimonial Film and Literature
- David Moore, Geo/graphy Without Borders: Metaphors of Structure for a Twentieth-Century World Literature
- Neferti Tadiar, Developing Subjects: Makings of Historical Experience and Contemporary Philippine Literatures
- Elise-Noel McMahon, Classics Incorporated: Cultural Materialism and Seventeenth-Century French Literature
- Jose Munoz, Disidentifications
- Faith Smith, John Jacob Thomas and Caribbean Intellectual Life in the Nineteenth Century
- Robert Talbot, The Wakefield Master, Robin Hood, and the Agrarian Struggle of the Latter Middle Ages
- Silvia Tandeciarz, Engaging Peronism: Gender Conflict and Culture Wars in Recent Argentina Literature
- Xu-Dong Zhang, The Politics of Aestheticization: Zhou Zuoren and the Crisis of the Chinese New Culture, 1927–1937
- Jonathan Beller, The Cinematic Mode of Production
- Cesare Casarino, The Voyages of Heterotopia: Meditations on Modernity, Crisis and the Sea
- Samira Kawash, Racial Properties, Racial Improprieties: Structures of Race in African American Narrative
- Christopher Pavsek, The Utopia of Film: The Critical Theory and Films of Alexander Kluge
- Sara Poor, Medieval Incarnations of Self: Subjectivity and Authority in the Writings of Mechthild von Magdeburg
- Robert Seguin, Around Quitting Time: Work, Technology, and the Forms of Middle-Class Ideology in Modern American Fiction
- Lloyd Davies, On Reading Nature: Romanticism, Textuality, and the Alps
- Saree Makdisi, Songs of the Tyger: Nature and Empire in British Romanticism
- Yael Schlick, Travel, Education, and the Pathways of Feminism in Post-Revolutionary France
- Michael Speaks, Architectural Ideologies: Modern, Postmodern, and Deconstructive
- Phillip Wegner, Horizons of Future Worlds, Borders of Present States: Utopian Narratives, History, and the Nation
- Jane Winston, Buried in Applause: Politics, Cultures, and the Arts of Marguerite Duras
- Deborah Chay, Black Feminist Criticism and the Politics of Reading Jessie Fauset
- Susan Hegeman, The Democracy of Cultures: Transformations of the Culture Concept in Modernist America
- Thomas Scanlan, Conversion, Suppression, or Limited Partnership: Problems in the Protestant Colonial Ethic
- Barbara Will, Genius and Gender in Gertrude Stein
- Santiago Colas, Latin American Postmodernism: Writing History and Resistance
- Richard Dienst, The Worlds of Television: Theories of Culture and Technology
- Jamie Hysjulien, The Poets’ Politics: Modern American Poetry and the Aesthetics of Social Change
- Henry Schwarz, Forced Bloom: Narrative and Empire in Colonial Bengal
- Naomi Wood, Better Than Life: Death as a Developmental Trope in Nineteenth-Century British Children’s Fiction
- Tang Xiaobing, Writing a History of Modernity: A Study of the Historical Consciousness of Liang Ch’i-Ch’ao
- Barbara Ching, The Cultural Work of Burlesque Narrative: Relearning to Read
- Matthew Hearn, Studies in Middle English Romance: “King Horn” and the Recuperation of a Category