
0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars; First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.

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Number Title Codes
LIT 80S Special Topics: Introduction to Literature
LIT 89S First-Year Seminar
LIT 102 Introduction to African American Studies CCI, CZ, SS
LIT 103 American Indian Nations Today CCI, CZ, SS
LIT 104 American Indians Go Graphic CCI, SS
LIT 111S Embodied Blackness EI, CZ, SS
LIT 165FS Virtual Realities: Collective Dreams from Plato to Cyberspace
LIT 188FS Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games CCI, SS
LIT 190 Special Topics in Literature
LIT 190FS Special Topics in the Focus Program
LIT 190S Special Topics: Introduction to Literature
LIT 198FS Performing Science: Experimentation, Collaboration, and Artistry R, STS, ALP
LIT 199 LGBTQ/Queer Cinema and Cultural Production ALP, SS
LIT 201S Introduction to Global Cultural Studies CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 202 Introduction to Performance Studies CCI, W, ALP
LIT 205 The Problem of Love in Western Literature CCI, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 205S The Problem of Love in Western Literature CCI, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 210 Robots and Monsters: Unruly Hu
LIT 211 Indian Cinema CCI, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 212 World of Korean Cinema CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 213 Japanese Cinema CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 214 Master Filmmakers of Chinese Cinemas CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 215 Italian Cinema CCI, ALP
LIT 217 Contemporary Israeli Cinema CCI, EI, ALP
LIT 218 Cinematic Authorship ALP
LIT 219S The Pursuit of Happiness CCI, SS
LIT 220 Film Genres ALP
LIT 220S American Cinema: Redefined ALP
LIT 222 Performance Art History and Theory CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 226S World of Gaming: Art, Theory, Technology, and Business of a Multi-Billion Dollar Global Industry CCI, EI, STS, CZ, SS
LIT 229S Space-Body-Image CCI, ALP
LIT 230A Introduction to Global Los Angeles: An Interdisciplinary Survey (Service-Learning) CCI, EI, ALP
LIT 237 K-Pop, Idols, and Fandom CCI, ALP
LIT 243 Introduction to Latino/a Studies in the Global South CCI, ALP, SS
LIT 243S Introduction to Latino/a Studies in the Global South CCI, ALP, SS
LIT 244 Modern European Short Fiction CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 245 Dante's Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 246 Flaubert's Brain: Neurohumanities CCI, STS, ALP
LIT 249 Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games CCI, SS
LIT 249S Games and Culture: Gateway to the Study of Games CCI, SS
LIT 250S Indigenous Journeys in South Asian Film and Literature CCI, ALP
LIT 251 Arab Cultures: Literature, Politics, History CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 252 Romantic Fairy Tales: Literary and Folk Fairy Tales from Grimms to Disney CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 259 Critical Race Studies: Race and Racism in Black American Ordinary Life and Culture CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 260S Representing Breast Cancer: Feminist Literature, Art, and Film CCI, W, ALP, CZ
LIT 265 Virtual Realities: Collective Dreams from Plato to Cyberspace CCI, EI, STS, ALP
LIT 265S Virtual Realities: Collective Dreams from Plato to Cyberspace CCI, STS, ALP, CZ
LIT 272S Cyber Connections: Communication in the Digital Age W, ALP
LIT 273 What Is Europe? CCI, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 274 Imagining Europe: Arts, Culture, Politics CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 276S Turkish Cultural History through the Novels of Orhan Pamuk CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 277S Introduction to Asian American Literature CCI, ALP
LIT 278S Literatures and Films of Pandemic CCI, EI, W, ALP
LIT 279S Docu-Poetry: Real Life Truths Outside and Inside the Poetic Narrative EI, W, ALP
LIT 282S Modernism and the Arts CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 285S Existentialism CCI, EI, ALP
LIT 286 German History Through Film EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 290 Special Topics in International Literature and Culture
LIT 290-2 Special Topics in National Cinema
LIT 290A Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Literature
LIT 290S Special Topics in Literature
LIT 290S-1 Special Topics in International Literature and Culture
LIT 290S-2 Special Topics in National Cinema
LIT 290SA Duke-Administered Study Abroad: Special Topics in Literature
LIT 295S Sex Work: The Politics of Sexual Labor CCI, SS
LIT 301S Theory Now CCI, ALP
LIT 302 Hashtags Memes, Digital Tribes CCI, EI, STS, ALP, CZ
LIT 302S Hashtags Memes, Digital Tribes CCI, EI, STS, ALP, CZ
LIT 303S Fiction/Reality/Autofiction: The Existential Turn in Contemporary Literature CCI, ALP
LIT 304S Introduction to Digital Culture: Media Theory, Politics, Aesthetics CCI, STS, SS
LIT 305 Portals: Art of Jumping Worlds CCI, ALP
LIT 306S Reading Literature in French CCI, FL, W, ALP
LIT 308S Manger: Foodways and Food Systems CCI, FL, W, CZ
LIT 309 Global Russia CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 314 Introduction to Critical Theory CCI, EI, CZ
LIT 316S Film Theory STS, ALP
LIT 317S Media Theory STS
LIT 318S American Independent Cinema CCI, ALP
LIT 319S Expressing Immigrant Experience: The Russians CCI, EI, ALP
LIT 320S Social Movements and Social Media CCI, EI, STS, ALP, CZ
LIT 321 Sample & Remix: Contemporary Cultural Production Across Arts & Media CCI, R, STS, ALP, CZ
LIT 325S Understanding Mediation CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 328S Literary Islam CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 329S Undocumented America in Literature CCI, ALP
LIT 331 Kant W, CZ
LIT 332S Social Movements in Age of Globalization CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
LIT 333 Bad Behavior EI, STS, CZ, SS
LIT 335 One Great Book: Proseminar in Russian/Slavic Literature ALP
LIT 336 Introduction to US Latino/a Literature CCI, ALP
LIT 336A Introduction to LatinX Literature CCI, FL, ALP
LIT 337 America from Abroad: Literature and Cinema CCI, EI, W, ALP
LIT 337S Don Quixote for Beginners EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 339 El cine político en américa Latina CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
LIT 340S Reading Like a Queer CCI, ALP
LIT 341S Perspectives on the Amazon CCI, CZ
LIT 342A Dante and the Art of Hell R, ALP, CZ
LIT 343 African Americans, Mass Incarceration and Citizenship CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 345S Hitchcock: Master of Suspense CCI, ALP
LIT 347S War CCI, SS
LIT 350 Brains, Everywhere CCI, EI, CZ
LIT 350S Brains, Everywhere CCI, EI, CZ
LIT 351 Contemporary Novel ALP
LIT 352S Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative STS, W, ALP
LIT 354S Intro to Psychoanalytic Theory ALP
LIT 355S Black Feminism and Fashion CCI, W, ALP
LIT 356S Michel Foucault and Theories of Power CCI, ALP
LIT 359S Peasants in Russian Revolutionary and Counter-Revolutionary Thought and Literature ALP, CZ
LIT 361 Global Apple: Life and Death and the Digital Revolution EI, STS, CZ, SS
LIT 361S Global Apple: Life and Death and the Digital Revolution EI, STS, CZ, SS
LIT 362D What Is Beauty? CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 363S Global Hispanophone in Translation CCI, EI, ALP
LIT 366S Art and Activism: Manifestos, Revolutions, and the Avant-gardes CCI, R, ALP
LIT 369 Germany Confronts Nazism and the Holocaust CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 370S Russian Fiction and Film CCI, ALP
LIT 373S Recycled Cinema ALP
LIT 374S Masculinities & Global Politics CCI, W, SS
LIT 376S Svevo and World Literature CCI, ALP
LIT 377 Marx, Nietzsche, Freud CCI, CZ, SS
LIT 378 Race, Class, and Family in Contemporary Literature: Journeys, Generations, and Translations CCI, EI, ALP
LIT 379S The Detective Novel ALP, CZ
LIT 380 Marxism and Society EI, CZ, SS
LIT 382S Fictions That Mark the Moment CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 383S Breakdown: Madness, Self, Fiction CCI, ALP
LIT 385 Mafia at the Movies CCI, ALP
LIT 386S Mapping Jewish Modernism CCI, R, ALP
LIT 387 Moral Panics, Spectacle, and Everyday Life: Social Anxieties and Minorities CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 390 Special Topics in Literature
LIT 390-7 Special Topics in the Study of Literature in Relation to Other Disciplines
LIT 390A-13 Special Topics in World Literature and Culture
LIT 390S Special Topics in Literature
LIT 390S-1 Special Topics in Literary Genres
LIT 390S-10 Special Topics in Literature and National Cultures, Ethnicity, Race
LIT 390S-12 Topics in Psychoanalytic Theory and Criticism
LIT 390S-15 Special Topics in North American Literature and Culture
LIT 390S-2 Special Topics in Literary Movements
LIT 390S-3 Special Topics in Individual Authors
LIT 390S-4 Special Topics in Film
LIT 390S-5 Selected Topics in Feminist Studies
LIT 390S-6 Special Topics in Gender and Sexuality
LIT 390S-7 Special Topics in the Study of Literature in Relation to Other Disciplines
LIT 390S-8 Special Topics in Culture and the Arts
LIT 390S-9 Special Topics in Science and Culture
LIT 390SA Special Topics in Literature
LIT 391 Independent Study
LIT 393 Research Independent Study R
LIT 409D Black (In) Translation CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 410S Contemporary French Fiction CCI, FL, W, ALP
LIT 412S Cultures of New Media STS, ALP, SS
LIT 416S Strange Masterpieces: Major Authors in French and Francophone Modernity CCI, FL, ALP
LIT 417S Imagining Freedom: Literature and Cinema of Decolonization in South Asia CCI, ALP
LIT 418S Art & Democracy: Madrid/Barcelona/Valencia/Bilbao FL, ALP
LIT 420 Biography, Life Writing, Autofiction CCI, FL, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 420A Poéticas de aquí y de allá / Thinking Language: Poetics from Here and There FL, ALP
LIT 421 Poéticas de aquí y de allá / Thinking Language: Poetics from Here and There FL, ALP
LIT 426S France-Asia: Cultural Transfers and Translations in a Globalized Context CCI, FL, W, ALP, CZ
LIT 427S Banlieues and Peripheries in French Contemporary Literature and Cinema CCI, FL, W, ALP, CZ
LIT 428S Reading Contemporary Literature in French for the 'Choix Goncourt' Prize FL, W, ALP, CZ
LIT 430 Gender and the Law CCI, EI, SS
LIT 438S Techno-Orientalism: Asian/America, (Post)Human and Science Fiction CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 439 Queer China CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 442S Jorge Luis Borges and Literary Representation in the Contemporary World FL, ALP
LIT 450 Foucault in Slow Motion EI, SS
LIT 450S Foucault in Slow Motion EI, SS
LIT 460S Weil, Beauvoir, Murdoch: Three Women Philosophers in Mid-Twentieth Century Europe CCI, EI, ALP
LIT 475S Queer Theory CCI, ALP, SS
LIT 476S Archiving and Visualizing Asia: Politics and Poetics of Knowledge Production CCI, R, CZ
LIT 483 What Machiavelli Really Says EI, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 489S Screening Europe CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 490 Special Topics in Literature
LIT 490-1 Special Topics in Theory
LIT 490S-1 Special Topics Theory
LIT 490S-2 Special Topics in Literature
LIT 495 Honors Thesis I R, W, ALP
LIT 496 Honors Thesis II R, W, ALP
LIT 575 Frankfurt School Critical Theory EI, CZ
LIT 507S Mimesis in Theory, Embodied Practice, and Literary Arts CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
LIT 510 Citizen Godard CCI, W, ALP
LIT 512S Performing Gender/Exhibiting Race R, ALP
LIT 521S Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Science STS, CZ
LIT 522 Eco-Media: Studies in Planetary Futures CCI, CZ, SS
LIT 522S Eco-Media: Studies in Planetary Futures CCI, EI, CZ, SS
LIT 525S Art as Work: Valuing Labor in the Arts CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 532S Comparative Modernisms CCI, R, ALP
LIT 538S Don Quixote in the Real World: From Escapism to Engagement CCI, FL, R, ALP
LIT 539S Queer China CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 540S Methods and Theories of Romance Studies CCI, R, ALP
LIT 541S Premodern Times: A User's Manual CCI, ALP
LIT 543S Reading Heidegger CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 544S Memory and Documentary Cinema in Latin America CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 545S Expanded Cinema: Cinema Outside the Movie Theater ALP
LIT 551S Translation: Theory/Praxis CCI, ALP
LIT 557 Cultural Memory CCI, R, W, ALP
LIT 570S Philosophy in Motion: Corporeality, Gesture, and Movement in Modern Thought CCI, R, W, ALP
LIT 571 East Asian Cultural Studies CCI, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 572S Antonio Gramsci and the Marxist Legacy CCI, CZ, SS
LIT 573S Introduction to Contemporary African Philosophy CCI, FL, ALP
LIT 575S Queer Theories of Experience & Art CCI, ALP
LIT 576S Theory & Aesthetics: Roland Barthes R, W, ALP
LIT 577S Edward Said: Theory, Politics, Culture CCI, ALP
LIT 580S Jews and the End of Theory CCI, EI, R, CZ, SS
LIT 581S Sylvia Wynter and the Question of Caribbean Philosophy CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 582 Dante's Divine Comedy: Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 584S Boccaccio Studies CCI, R, ALP
LIT 585S Epic and Exile: Classical Themes, Renaissance Variations CCI, ALP
LIT 590 Special Topics in Literature
LIT 590S Special Topics in Literature
LIT 609 Biography, Life Writing, Autofiction CCI, FL, R, ALP, CZ
LIT 610S Basic Concepts in Cinema Studies ALP
LIT 611S Film Feminisms CCI, ALP, CZ
LIT 612S Theories of the Image: The Image in Walter Benjamin ALP
LIT 613S Third Cinema CCI, EI, STS, ALP, SS
LIT 616S Literature and Philosophy EI, ALP
LIT 617S China As World Picture CCI, ALP
LIT 618S Theories of the Visual CCI, ALP
LIT 620S Film-philosophers/Film-makers STS, ALP, CZ
LIT 625S Comparative Media Studies STS, ALP
LIT 632 Questions of National Cinemas R, CZ
LIT 650S History of Mental Illness CCI, STS, CZ
LIT 651S Theories of Violence CCI, EI, SS
LIT 681S Wittgensteinian Perspectives on Literary Theory ALP
LIT 682S Simone de Beauvoir EI, ALP, CZ
LIT 684S Western Philosophy, Global Revolution CCI, ALP
LIT 690 Special Topics in Literature
LIT 690-1 Special Topics in Literature of the Modern Era
LIT 690-3 Topics in Cultural Studies
LIT 690-6 Topics in Psychoanalytic Theory and Criticism
LIT 690-7 Special Topics in Literature and History
LIT 690-8 Special Topics in Literature: Paradigms of Modern Thought
LIT 690S Special Topics in Literature
LIT 690S-3 Topics in Cultural Studies
LIT 690S-4 Special Topics in Film
LIT 690S-6 Topics in Psychoanalytic Theory and Criticism
LIT 690S-8 Special Topics in Literature: Paradigms of Modern Thought
LIT 691S Black Sonic Culture—Analog to Digital
LIT 695S Literature Seminar ALP
LIT 700S Surveillance, Technology, and Capitalism
LIT 707S Precarity and Affect
LIT 708S Anthropology of Contact: Contagion, Coloniality, Capital
LIT 709S Science, Medicine, and the Body
LIT 713S Svevo and World Literature
LIT 715 Cultural Memory
LIT 716S Banlieues, Margins and Peripheries in French Contemporary Literature, Cinema, and Theory
LIT 717S Art & Democracy: Madrid/Barcelona/Bilbao
LIT 718S Baroque: Patterns of Thought, Transformation, and Accumulation in the Hispanic World
LIT 730S East/West/Zion: Jewish Literary Modernism
LIT 741S The Symbolist Movement in the Arts and European Thought
LIT 743 What Machiavelli Really Says
LIT 745S Brutal Humanism in Postwar Austria: Bernhard, Jelinek, Haneke, Seidl
LIT 750S Gender and Aesthetic Theory
LIT 751S Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narrative
LIT 752S The Concept of the Symbol
LIT 760S Major Figures in Feminist Thought
LIT 761S Foundations in Feminist Theory
LIT 775S Queer Art - Graduate
LIT 780S Teaching Race, Teaching Gender
LIT 801 History of Criticism
LIT 822S Writing is Thinking
LIT 826S Contemporary Genre Fiction: The Global Novel
LIT 827S The Global Novel: Post, What?
LIT 836S Freudo-Marxism
LIT 840S Seminar in Emergent Literatures
LIT 850S Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy
LIT 882S Philosophy and Literature
LIT 890 Special Topics in Literature
LIT 890S Seminars in Literature
LIT 891 Special Readings
LIT 892S Publication Workshop